More and more voices calling a lowering of the price of ADSL connections by operators. Spain, but steadily expanding the number of Internet, remains one of the countries of Europe with poor technological penetration the population.
One of the causes mentioned by analysts for this lack of leadership is, clearly, the price of connections Internet.
However, Despite this gradual and slow growth, Spain is one of the leading companies hosting, probably due to the increasing implementation of electronic commerce between the Spanish SMEs.
The prestigious blog Intac on hosting has published a statistical and graphic explanations about the major hosting companies in the world, well as countries where there are a greater number of these companies. (Click to enlarge).
In Spain they have created or implemented 15 ups hosting in the last year, while others 9 have disappeared. It is noteworthy that many of these new companies in our country are subsidiaries of American companies that perceive andl growth of electronic commerce in Spain to offer their services.