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DrWeb Plesk notifications


You can disable notifications DrWeb. This, must make numerous corrections to the database of Plesk:
1.Connect to the database:


"%plesk_dir%\mysql\bin\mysql" -uadmin -padmin_password -P8306 psa


2. Check the record for antivirus notifications is present in the table psa.misc. You can check this by running the following SQL query:


select val from misc where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';

The query should return the following values:

0 – disabled notifications;
1 – notifications enabled;

Notifications can be enabled or disabled by changing the setting through the following queries:

To disable notifications

update misc set val='0' where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';


To enable notifications


update misc set val='1' where param = 'AntivirusNotifyAdmin';

You can add a nonexistent record by running the following query:

insert into misc values ('AntivirusNotifyAdmin','0');

Notifications can also be activated for the sender and / or recipient of the infected email, adding the following values:

‘AntivirusNotifyAdmin – parameter controls the notifications to the Plesk administrator.

‘AntivirusNotifySender – be notified to the sender of the infected e-mail about.

‘AntivirusNotifyRecipients – will notify the recipient of the infected e-mail about.

If this does not work you continue to make these changes:

Log in as root (or you can use sudo) and open /etc/drweb/drweb32.ini:

Look for:
CronSummary = Yes

And change it to:
CronSummary = No

Do a restart for the Dr. Web daemon by (add sudo in the beginning if not using root):
/etc/init.d/drwebd restart

Revisar tambíen las notificaciones en el archivo /etc/drweb/drweb_handler.conf
